My parents uprooted their whole family to another country, I can't be afraid to go anywhere I'm only afraid of going nowhere..

What is Cape Verde? I have been asked that question more times than I can count! It is beautiful, it is black, it is white, it is every different shade. It is poor, rich in many different ways. It is African, Portuguese, we have more cultures running through our veins, more than I can even begin to say.
The women dance from their hips to the sounds of Coladeira, Funana, and Morna. Let's not forget the smells and taste of Catchupa, Canja, Arroz ku fijon, and Pastels.
You ask what is Cape Verde??? It is a small piece of the map on the west coast of Africa but it spreads like wild fire. I live here, I live there, I am everywhere.
My people hold my flag high with pride, got my independence in '75. I am your mother, your father, I am the volcanos that might erupt. I am the hot black sand. I am Brava, Praia, San Vincente, Sal, Boa Vista, Maio, Fogo, Santa Luzia, Santo Antao. I am Cardoso, Pereira, Gibau, Goncalves, Gomes, Barros, Barbosa, Baptista, Rodrigues, Teixeira, Depina, please let me know if I have left you out. This is Cabo Verde, Cape Verde, Cape Verdean.