
Quote of the month

" Sadness sometimes shows you the light of happiness. In the mist of tears I stopped and smiled at the thought of you"


Speaking in Silence

 I keep certain thoughts to myself no need to waste my breath I just put my thoughts into writing

Everybody wants you to listen

But you are not allowed to speak

That is when you must make a choice 

Will you listen up when I speak in silence?!

The day you call looking for guidance

Sorry I lost my voice on those long drawn out phone calls

When I listened and you spoke

Over and over couldn't get in a word

I started learning how to drop those calls

Pressing nothing but ignore

If I disappeared would you even notice?!

That wasn't a question

I will not change who I am and will continue to lend an ear when needed 

 but will also let my voice be heard when needed

This is when I will be considered a B

But the world has room for much more than you and me

Thank you for opening my eyes and closing my ears so I can see

How does it feel to be left holding the receiver?!